The committee can be contacted at:, or by calling the Chair at: 603 750-7519 (home number).
Members of local river advisory committees are nominated by the governing bodies of the towns through which the designated river flows.  The commissioner of the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) appoints at least one person from each town.  Each committee is composed of at least 7 members who's interest include but are not limited to, local government, business, conservation interests, recreation, agriculture, and riparian landowners.  Each member shall serve a term of 3 years. 
(RSA 483:8-a, I and II).

Duties of the committee:

To advise the NH DES commissioner, the RMPP advisory committee, and the towns.  Municipal officials, boards, and agencies shall inform such committees of actions which they are considering in managing and regulating activities within designated river corridors.
To consider and comment on any federal, state, or local government plans to approve, license, fund or construct facilities that would alter the resource values and characteristics of the river.
To develop or assist in the development and adoption of a local river corridor management plan.  The local planning board may adopt such plans.  No such plan shall have any regulatory effect unless it is implemented through adopted ordinances.
To report biennially to the RMPP advisory committee and commissioner, and annually to the towns.
(RSA 483:8-a, III)
The bylaws of the ORLAC were adopted on March 12, 2012.  ORLAC Bylaws
The establishment and the duties of the LAC can be downloaded here.



Oyster River Local River Advisory Committee

The DES Rivers Coordinator has established a LAC handbook that can be customized to each LAC.  Below are links to pages for the Oyster River LAC Handbook. (under development)  Most are pdf files.  Some forms are Word documents.

Member Handbook:

Right-to-Know Information

Guidelines for ORLAC Permit/Project Review  adopted 7-13-2012
  Town     Member Term Expires
  Barrington Ken Flesher 5/30/2022, re-appointing
  Durham Michael Sullivan  (UNH Water) 4/18/2022, re-appointing
Jim Hornbeck 2025
Catherine Ashcraft 5/16/2025
  Lee Vacant seeking
  Madbury Eric Fiegenbaum, Chair 3/28/2025